E51: Drive notifications for content violations, Meet Hardware now can be used as Digital Signage, Meet Breakout Room participants auto move back to original meeting, Meet Duo Drama, Log4J 2, and more

Welcome to the penultimate episode of 2021 as we head into the new year and get ready to add video to this and our other tabGeeks shows. Don't worry, if you prefer audio, we will still be pushing the audio as podcasts, and the video will be of us recording the podcast, not converting it into a video show that also dumps the audio track into a podcast.

If you listen to us on Spotify, they just launched ratings, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us a rating! Thank you!

Silent Releases

The filmstrip in Google Slides is now collapsable

Published Releases

  1. Prevent unwanted invitations from being added to your calendar

  2. New notifications when Drive content violates abuse program policies Content compliance rule to cc admins

  3. Easily see which account you’re currently using in Google Calendar on mobile

  4. Automatically move breakout room participants back to the original meeting

  5. Use your Google Meet hardware-connected displays as digital signage

  6. Expanded occupancy detection capabilities for Google Meet hardware devices

  7. Configure member restrictions for groups, now generally available

  8. Making dynamic groups more powerful with custom user attributes and OrgUnit queries

Other Topics

That’s all for this week, send us your questions and comments on Twitter @WorkspaceRecap and on our website at workspacerecap.com. Hit the subscribe button and leave us a review on your favorite podcasting platform, or all of them if you really like us!
Have a great week, and we will see you next time on Workspace Recap!

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Workspace Recap is the only show dedicated to and discussing all of the changes happening in Google Workspace on a weekly basis, as well as how all these changes affect our users and our businesses. Google Workspace is innovating at a breakneck pace, making it difficult to keep up and keep track. Join us each week as we discuss What’s New in Google Workspace, Upcoming Google Workspace releases, and answer your questions.


E52: Last Episode of 2021! Recap of our Recaps, our favorite releases, and 2 last minute ones. 289 updates in total for the year!


E50: 10K Downloads! Start and Join Meetings and Audio Calls from 1:1 Chats in Gmail Mobile, Repeating tasks in Calendar, Meet/Webex Interoperability, Drive Labels, Forms API Beta, and more